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Our alumni 2024

Picture for Alumni Organization section


NTNU School of Entrepreneurship has an active alumni organization including all NSE graduates. The organization is called ESAF and was founded in 2005. ESAF has today more than 350 members.

The 2018 ESAF board consists of Viljar RystadHåkon Weløy AarsethValentina Luzmira Fernandez SørlieTrine Høstmark Solhaug and Marina Santos Haugen. Feel free to contact board leader, Håkon, if you have any questions (email).

ESAF arrange several events for the alumni throughout the year, including both social and professional meetings. One of these is the “ESAF weekend”. This is a unique concept at NSE, where former NSE students travel to Trondheim to share their knowledge and experience with the new students and their startups. The alumni give advices about business models, entry strategies, production, or other relevant issues. This has been a great and fruitful success for the last years, and it has often lead to a faster success or failure for the startups.

The network of alumni is a collection of highly ambitious and talented professionals, and the majority are very clear about the important impact NSE had on both their business and career.